With the recent advancements in the mobile technology, almost every company is adopting enterprise mobility and wishes to develop their own smartphone application to reach their potential users. However for building an app, everyone’s is asking the same question, iOS or Android? And with the detailed complete market research, it will not wrong to say without hesitation, “iOS first, then Android.”

Today, when the success of Android smartphones such as Samsung two_kind_of_people1Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note etc. is growing by the day, the answer of choosing the right platform is getting a bit more complicated. Because Android has been a dominant operating system in the marketplace that is beating Apple to 1 million apps mark.

Consequently, it is highly suggested to plan your business app on both platforms which are iOS and Android for most companies. If you’re thinking of developing a native app then it does not necessary for you to launch the app on both at the same time, you can have it both on your ultimate timeline.

Deciding Which to Launch First

Initially, if you can’t afford building an app for both iOS and Android, then you must take a decision of what operating system for your app to choose first. Here you will find some useful factors to consider for an initial release.

1. Which system are your current users using?

To choose a right platform for your business app, you need to study and look at your visitor stats so that you may have a clear idea of what ratio of your mobile visitors are coming from Android or iOS. If you get higher mobile engagement ratio coming from iOS users, then you must go with iOS first. And if, you see higher rate of app users are on Android, then choosing might make more sense.

2. What are your tablet plans?

It is a fact that Android has been a smart and dominant mobile operating system, but it is not right to say for the tablets in the same way. When it comes to Android tablets, their usage share is less than the Android smartphones, and if you compare the usage share of Android tablets with other tablets apps, then it’s clear that the iPad is the winner. If you’re thinking to get a tablet experience, you must focus to build iPhone app.

3. What are your application developers familiar with?

To build a mobile app for business, most companies end up hiring a reliable app development company for their mobile development work. You and your team must have a clear notion of what they are most familiar with developing in. Building an app for iPhone requires a Mac machine and you will probably need it to see your app development process. And to create app on android, an application developer will need Android’s developer tools installed in their machines.

4. Do you want to charge for your app?

It has been seen that the Android users never pay for apps and it is not wrong to say. Whilst, iOS users do not hesitate to pay for the app they use and seems more likely to pay for their favorite apps. However it is not the reason that put you off using Android as there are several ways to monetize your app using Android systems. But for an initial app launch, it is an important factor that needs to be considered. Moreover, along with this, you must consider another factor of where you can accept payments from both platforms. As we have Google available, that is constantly increasing the number of countries that support paid Google Play apps. Then again, Google Play is an area where you will see Apple still has a substantial leads when compared with Android. Contact us now to know more about our services.