Customized Healthcare Management Solution
A California based pediatric center offering healthcare services for children with a team of 150+ doctors specializing in over 50 healthcare services. The client wanted to develop solution that would automate and simplify the practice management process. The process cycle includes patient activities, from registration to claims processing. App Maisters’ was hired to develop a customized solutions that match the client’s needs.

The solution was to act as a common platform for both healthcare & practice management by integrating specific features into the model. Features included automating billing, workflow, providing real-time scheduling, electronic record management and patient portal.
Challenges Faced
One of the few challenges faced was creating a solution which had an intuitive interface that was easy to use by patients and practitioners. We had to incorporate the interface for accounting and claims management for various insurance organizations. Also, the solutions had to provide detailed data analysis and workflow management for health and safety practice for children.
App Maisters’ software team build a customized health and practice management solution by mapping complex processes of healthcare practice, accounting and claims management. Usage of the application become quick and easy as created various automated workflows, ensuring high degree of accuracy and transparency among patients. It also interfaced with leading electronic clearing houses for online claim submissions and tracking.

Tools & Technology
- Microsoft C#
- Microsoft ASP.NET
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
- Improved Healthcare service performance by automated workflows.
- Achieved profitability by eliminating non-productive tasks
- Easily scalable solution based on clients’ need at any point in time
- Updated the processes so that account & claims management procedure is smooth and continuous.