Woodland Arts
In the rush hectic lives, the quantity of online buyers is increasing day by day. Woodland Arts is an E-commerce platform for those who are fond of online shopping of arts and crafts for decoration purposes. Such platforms not only provide vast variety or products but also saves buyer’s time to go for physical shopping.
On he other hand it also provides platform or sellers to sell their products in a convenient way.
The Objective is to go through the features of an E-commerce Website which we will develop for the client. On this website seller related Arts and Handicraft will be able to sell their products and buyer will purchase using the online checkout process.
This will be a multi-vendor platform with access to sub admin by store owners to manage their products.

App maisters develop an e-commerce website which will facilitate buyers and sellers to connect for selling and buying arts and craft related products.
It has a user friendly UI by which both buyers and sellers can explore each feature is an easiest way.

Tools & Technologies
- Php (Laravel)
- Html 5/ Css/ Bootstrap
- AWS cloud
- AWS EC2 for computing
- AWS RDS for database services
- AWS EFS for elastic file storage for persistence.
- AWS S3(simple, storage and service) for binary file storage
- ElastiCache for caching mechanism
- SQS (simple queue service) to implement queuing We have used cloud for better scalability, availability and resilience
- Reduce time while providing online products available
- Provides platform to sellers and connect them to sellers
- Enhance customer services while satisfying their requirements.