The Digital healthcare industry is constantly evolving, pressuring industry leaders to focus more on digital transformation to succeed in an ultra-competitive market. There’s also been an upgrade in the way patient care is provided, and now more than ever, organizations must focus on the people. In terms of trends framing healthcare innovation, the following apply for 2022:

Digital Healthcare equity becomes a top priority

In many ways, the pandemic brought to the surface truths the Digital healthcare industry has always been aware of: lack of equity in vulnerable populations. Access to basic healthcare remains a major concern due to technology barriers, lack of health insurance, or transportation. Virtual health options have managed to streamline access, although the underlying root causes of inequity haven’t been addressed fully.

For 2022, the focus will be on understanding population needs, building trust, and finding ways to reduce bias. But even bolder steps are required, and health organizations should make systemic issues a top priority. A big step in the right direction would be to develop a company culture that is honest, unbiased, and above all, transparent.

All eyes on women’s Digital Healthcare

Women are starting to receive increasing attention and investment in women’s health has nearly doubled, surging to $1.3 billion in 2021 from $774 in 2020. Increasingly more women seek to get help and many look for support in areas such as menopause, nursing, fertility, pregnancy, and more. For health facilities to set themselves apart from the competition, the key is to address women’s needs holistically.

Market leader Maven Clinic has implemented a virtual-based care model for women that provides access to numerous healthcare services. The aim is to help improve women’s health at a decent cost. Such innovations can bridge the social gap, providing easy access to healthcare and the right resources women need to live fuller, healthier lives.

Convergence deepens the need for collective Digital healthcare

 Throughout the pandemic, convergence has compelled non-traditional health companies to see healthcare from a different perspective. For many organizations, improving health experiences at a collective level is their new top priority. Led by tech giants, convergence players are becoming more open to external partnerships with mobile app development company.

The best example is Google which combines data analytics initiatives with health plans. Walmart, on the other hand, has plans to expand its retail business into home medical equipment, pharmacy, and medical prescriptions. By partnering with Transcarent, Walmart has plans to offer access to premium care at convenient prices.

Overcoming stigmas concerning mental and behavioral health

As the pandemic cools down across the world, new waves of health concerns rise to the surface: burnout, stress, and mental issues. It seems that younger generations are the most vulnerable and official reports show that the rates of substance abuse and suicidal intentions are skyrocketing. On the bright side, Gen Zs and Millennials are open to getting better.

Behavioral health therapy and the growing number of health startups are fighting to combat mental health, but better awareness must be addressed. Companies should focus more on investing in the well-being of their employees, meaning that proper health training and a tailored approach to personalized digital healthcare solutions should be an integral part of a company’s corporate strategy, regardless of shape and size.

Human-centric healthcare for employees takes center stage

As healthcare premiums keep increasing, it seems that conventional plans no longer serve the needs of the employees. To exceed expectations, organizations are transitioning to providing fully customized healthcare plans. From tools that help manage stress and combat burnout to ways to care for elderly parents, addressing the mental health crisis from a corporate perspective will enable companies to hire and retain top talent.

Human-centric healthcare makes health services more accurate, and the more employers focus on personalizing experiences the better chances they have to improve outcomes, address inequity, and fight disease. New innovations pave the way to improving the system as we know it, and with greater collaboration between organizations and key industry players, the industry will be able to innovate more efficiently.

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, the cloud, and blockchain technology are just some of the tech stacks driving healthcare app innovation. To attain success, the key is to prioritize the health of the people and develop business models that are transparent, accessible, and ultimately customized.

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